Friday, March 6, 2015

The Draugar War: Opening Salvo

"The Draugar War: Opening Salvo"

Genre: Fantasy
Length: Novella
Summary: This is a spinoff from my story, 'The Two Year Emperor'; High Marshal Albrecht Löfgren arrives for a simple troop inspection, but ends up having to lie to High Command, pretend to kill several thousand legionnaires, and—oh yes—fight off the end of the world. Ah well, looks like it's Tuesday.

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Saturday, January 31, 2015

"Pay Attention"

Genre: Rational Horror
Length: Novella
Summary: Listen!  This is important:  you need to pay attention.  You can keep your mind as long as you pay attention. Don't touch the ouija board again.  Make sure you set your timer every two minutes.  Don't get distracted.   Don't let your thoughts wander. And whatever you do...  Pay Attention!

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Thursday, January 29, 2015

"Baby Blues"

Genre: Rational Horror
Length: Novella
Summary: Desperate to reunite with his daughter, Mitchell has done the impossible: escaped from Rikers Island Penitentiary. His escape is only the start of his problems, though, because Rikers is no ordinary prison, Mitchell is no ordinary prisoner, and every human in the city is desperate to send him back....

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